Book Translation Blog


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Read our blog here, where we discuss all things book translation and language. From time to time we also update you on our latest news, throw in some opinion pieces or give you more insight on book translation trends or other exciting developments within the industry. Join the conversation, we are always happy to hear from you.

Happy 30th to us!

Happy 30th to us!

1992-2022 At 23 years of age, I sat down at my new desk, in my new office to start my first venture. It was 8th January 1992: I had a £3K bank loan, a beaten up green moped for essential transport and a mobile phone the size of my forearm. By 8th Feb I had approx 40...

Print vs Screen: is there a real difference?

Print vs Screen: is there a real difference?

In this modern age, the humble book can take many forms. You can carry around an entire library in your pocket, read war and peace without feeling like you’re holding a weapon in your hands, and take the entire Discworld series with you on your holidays. But is...

What makes a children’s bestseller?

What makes a children’s bestseller?

Observations of a Children’s Bookseller World Book Day is about getting children interested in books - and that’s the job of a children’s bookseller all year round. So as the day approaches once again, I find myself thinking - what is it that makes the popular books...

Best Language Apps 2020

Best Language Apps 2020

Here is a list of our favourite language apps in 2020 (feel free to suggest any you love): Grammarly (Chrome extension or keyboard addition) – Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant which checks your spelling and grammar across documents, emails and social...

Good Translator > Google Translate – Harriet’s Opinion

Good Translator > Google Translate – Harriet’s Opinion

Good translator > Google translate  There are many situations in life which encourage us to reach for the immediate assistance of Google Translate: a monolingual menu in that charming, local restaurant you discovered on holiday; a desperate attempt to give helpful...

Covid and Translation

Covid and Translation

Translation: A sure-fire investment for the future I’m 52 years old today (… why thank you – it’s all that clean living) but, I can still recall the classroom dust motes, the smell of polish and wood, and the pain and anguish, 40 odd years ago, as I sat there, utterly...

Giulia’s UK Translation Internship Experience During Covid-19

Giulia’s UK Translation Internship Experience During Covid-19

Hi, I’m Giulia and I recently completed my internship at Aktuel Translations. You already heard from another intern’s struggles with Covid-19, and I’m here to give you a slightly different perspective, as our experiences had one major difference: I never got the...

Mild Fantasy & Children’s Literature

Mild Fantasy & Children’s Literature

      Stories that politely pretend that everything is perfectly normal when it’s clearly not. In 2015, I spent an enjoyable summer with an excellent production company (Warpline Films), quietly pottering about the British Isles making a documentary on...

Christina’s Internship Experience During Covid-19

Christina’s Internship Experience During Covid-19

Hi, my name is Christina and I am currently an intern at Aktuel Translations. This blog entry will be about my experiences as an intern during Covid-19 and about what I’ve learnt from the internship. Before I started my internship at Aktuel, I was studying...