Website Translation

Publish on-line

Over 70% of sites on the web are now in a language other than English.

To publish on-line and to get your message across to the widest possible audience quickly and without the cost of print, our website translation and publishing services may be just what you are looking for.

We not only translate the pages but we can also supply over 400 languages, including Asian characters and Middle Eastern scripts (Chinese, Arabic, Japanese and Indian languages) all in a web friendly format.

Website translation involves 3 distinct processes in order to assure a fully accurate translation.

Choice of translator

Our translators only ever translate into their mother-tongue. They must hold an officially recognised translation qualification, such as a Master’s Degree in Translation and furthermore they must have sound practical experience in the subject area.

Terminology and style guides

We will also work to any style guide you currently have in house and will adapt it to the target audience and country.

Not only does the terminology have to be correct but it also must be consistent. CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tools ensure consistency throughout large documents or a series of documents produced and translated at different times. They will also recognise repeated text between documents and saves the client money by avoiding the need to re-translate repetitions each time they occur.


The proof reader’s remit is to work closely with the original translator and check the final, translated document against the original material to ensure accuracy, consistency of style and prevent grammatical or spelling errors.

A third proofing is carried out by the Project Manager to check small but important details, such as page numbering, reference numbers and formatting. The Project Manager will also be your point of contact throughout the job and is there to monitor deadlines and budgets on behalf of the client.